Tuesday, April 28, 2015


When I was reading novel suddenly I was hearing sharp noise of thunder. I was looking through the window and it was raining heavily. And I opening the door and running to the rain. I lift up my face to the rain and there was sprinkle of water on my face. And suddenly I open my eyes ouh it just a dream..


Memory. Although bad or good memory, I find it something that we cannot get back. Whether bad or good memory it is still memory. The precious one. I miss my memory...


Someone said if we want to be a hardworking student, we should be friend with hardworking student too. But if our friend didn't get bath, is it we share the same smell or I can change the smell into lavender,,err can't I??

The unexpected gift

I look at the sky, wishing the rainbow will appear but sometimes what I'm wishing for I didn't get. Why? because Allah knows what is the best for me. I look at the sky again and suddenly it is raining.

My choice...

I'm observing people while sitting on my chair. Some of them are talking, laughing, screaming. This surrounding so crowded like surrounding in the disco I guess but I'm still writing and smiling because this is my choice and I choose it.


Dream. I like to dream because I can create my own fantasy. The perfect one but fantasy is just fantasy. It can't change to reality. This life is a reality and I have to be stronger one to face this reality.

Sunday, April 26, 2015


Love begin at home. You and I. Hand in hand. My heart and blood. I'll share it all. My whole life is You. I love you, Mum..


Shortly, I like to be at home.
I love everything at home and of course my mother's cook.

I just dont't like to be anywhere than home.
I love my home to the moon and pluto :D because there is the placed where I grown up! :)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

No More Tomorrow.

I went home.
Feeling lonely and anxiety.
Mom was lying in pain.
Dad was trying to hold his tears.

There is no tomorrow for mom.
No human being can understand this feelings of mine.
I pray to Allah in giving me strength.

A letter to myself

A letter to myself

Dear myself,
Just stay strong, everything will be fine.
hard time will pass,
dont cry anymore.
Just stay strong.

1:12 am :)

Sunday, April 12, 2015


I start with a greeting. Hello!!!

I feel rather awkward at the moment. I am not very good at writing, you see and often times I convey the wrong tone or message when I put words on print. I avoid answering WhatsApp messages sometimes. However, the first step to being great at something is to first be sorta bad at it.... says Jake the Dog from Adventure Time. So, guys and gals, I welcome you to our LEAP Class Blog of 2015. May all the notes and reflections that you share survive us all..

Have an awesome day