Saturday, May 16, 2015

10th entry.

Wow. Hye Hye Hye!

Finally, this is my 10th entry a.k.a last entry. Just want to complete the assignment. Haha. I know this blog will be a sweet memory for me. Later, it will remind me how hard to post 10 entries in few weeks. Like in my latest entry "Talking is easy. Writing is hard." Ya. It's really really true.

Tomorrow is the last class for LEAP subject. I don't know if I should happy or sad. Maybe both feelings will come into my heart. We'll be having a party tomorrow like farewell party. And whatttt? During the party we'll watch our video assignment. I don't know what to say Hmm Hmm. I just want the certificate that's why I made the video with my group. Haha. Am I sincere or not? Yes. Sincere enough. Haha.

And tomorrow will be a dup dap day because at the night we'll be having LINEAR ALGEBRA test. Goodluck to all of you my friends :)

Lastly, I wanna say thank you to Miss Atiqah. She is very kind during teach us in class. This is the most important thing, she is CUTE. OK Bye :)

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