Saturday, May 16, 2015

the cutest creature

for me, the cutest creature is a cat. yes. i love cat so much. i have a cat at home around 8 cats. maybe the number will increase. this is not a point. did u know that our Prophet had a cat? i want to share that our Prophet Nabi Muhammad too had a cat as a pet. His cat's name is Muezza. there was a time when Nabi cut his cloth's sleeves(lengan jubah) just because Muezza slept on his cloth's sleeves. Nabi did that just because he doesn't want to disturbed its sleep. so sweet right? so, i feel pity to anyone who afraid to hold and stroked the cat. so, if there are a cat around u just give its some food. a cat is a lovely pet. 
sincerely, cat's lover..... 

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