Sunday, May 17, 2015


i love to express my feeling with crying..
it make me more calm after cry..
no more anger,
no more frustated,
once it hurt myself but everyone have their way to recover itself..
i think you should try ..
and enjoy your tear..


  1. well...not all people have same way to express their feeling... but.. sometimes,, it works to me... i agree with you that express the feeling with tears will make us feel more calm.. but friend, do not waste your tears crying for "wrong person" .. our tears is valuable... advise to myself too =)

  2. i will keep your advice dear.. we have to know what are the people we cry of.. but sometime when it related to our feeling, it make us blur.. what i want to do, why they treat me like that, blabla n bla...
    by the way, i love you respond.. hihi

  3. There is 3 factors tht will make someone cry..1st is watching something sad..2nd is having problems..3rd is because of love..if u are facing one the 3 factors given..u are allowed to cry..i dont know whether it is good or not..but if it makes u become better..just cry..dont bother other people..

  4. Of course im not bother other when i want to cry... hahaha.... and as human, 3 factor that you state we will feel it.. coz human is a full of emotions.. tq for your opion.. im appreciate it, keep calm and smile...
