Saturday, May 16, 2015

No idea man.

Hey Hey Hey!
Look at the title. Actually, I have no idea what to write here. OK.

Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Think and think and think.
Wanna write about the coming test. Err. Making my heartbeat dup dap dup dap.
It's not final exam but only test but the feeling is veryy ahh scaryy man. Tooo many but. Oh I'm so sorry. No idea. Haha.

We'll have two test next week. Wish us goodluck. It's all about mathematics. M.A.T.H.E.M.A.T.I.C.S!!! During the class, ohh it's very easy to solve the mathematics problems but when we do it alone without anyone help, AAAhh Blurrrr. What to do??? OK. The end.

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