Saturday, May 16, 2015

experience hiking Arong mountain

For the FYE(first year experience) of physics students.
we should hike arong mountain. From our campsite we should jogging 2kilometres to arrive at base of arong mountain. The group that arrived late had been punished to touch the river water, but all the student misunderstood with the instruction.then all of them was go into the river. Afterthat, we start hiking. To hike top of the mountain,we must through many obstacle thing.
some of my team members was fall down when hiking.
some of them lost their stamina. so we must to co-operate  with each other. when arrived on the top of mountain, SUBHANALLAH i see the view of beach is very beautiful. I feel very excited and all my stress like flying with the bird. then when we arrived at the base of the mountain. so when we want to go back to the campsite,we must to cross beach. finally we arrived at campsite. This is my first experience of hiking arong mountain.

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