Monday, May 4, 2015

First post is the hardest :P

So here I am,
Every year I have my own 'New year wishlist' which I write all of my plan that I want to do. Since 2011, creating a blog is always be in the list. But it never comes true. Poor me.
I do love writing, but I never get a chance in terms of time. Sometimes, I feel like, what if I post once in a month? My idea of writing didn't always come, and it always flew away. T.T. But, here I have this chance so I can scratch one list. It's already comes true. I wrote on a blog! yey

Last day, my lecturer has distributed a piece of paper which she took from a book by Sufian Abbas I bet. I don't remember the book's title. Then, after a quiet long briefing, she asked each and everyone of us to write something. Anything. So I did one in bahasa. Actually writing a simple poetry is my hobby. I do publish in wattpad. Wattpad is an application that allowed people to read and write. I have one on my phone, then I can write anytime. Ok here is the one that I did in the class.


 Tulisan yang dipaksa ibarat habuk bawah meja,
Yang tiada makna,

Dakwat pensel terbazir,
kerana kegigihan mencari sesuatu
Untuk diluah di atas meja.


Because I really don't have any idea to write. Haha :)

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